Ashtami Shraddha अष्टमी श्राद्ध

Ashtami Shraddha is an important ritual performed during the Pitru Paksha (fortnight of ancestors), dedicated to the departed souls of ancestors who passed away on the Ashtami (eighth) lunar day. It is believed to bring peace and salvation to the departed soul.

Significance of Ashtami Shraddha:

  1. Peace and Salvation of Souls:
    The Shraddha rituals performed on this day help in granting peace and liberation (moksha) to the souls of ancestors who died on the Ashtami Tithi.
  2. Removal of Pitru Dosha:
    Performing the Ashtami Shraddha is said to remove Pitru Dosha (ancestral affliction), ensuring harmony and prosperity in the family.

Rituals and Practices:

    1. Purification and Bathing:
      The person performing the Shraddha should take a bath early in the morning and wear clean, sanctified clothes.
    2. Pind Daan and Tarpan:
      • Pind Daan: Offerings made from rice, barley, and sesame are prepared and offered to the ancestors.
      • Tarpan: Water mixed with sesame seeds is offered to the ancestors to quench their spiritual thirst.
    3. Worship of Lord Vishnu and Shiva:
      Special prayers are offered to Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva, who are believed to guide the souls toward liberation.
  1. Offering Food:
    Special food is prepared and offered to ancestors. Brahmins and needy individuals are fed, and donations are made in their name.

Ashtami Shraddha Mantras:

  • Om Pitribhyah Namah: A mantra to honor and offer respect to the ancestors.
  • Om Yamaya Namah: A prayer to Yama, the god of death, for the peace of the souls.

Special Rules:

  1. Avoid Non-vegetarian Foods:
    Consumption of non-vegetarian food (meat, fish, eggs) is forbidden on this day.
  2. Devotion and Purity:
    The Shraddha must be performed with complete devotion, following all prescribed rituals with purity.