
Chaturdashi Shradh

Chaturdashi Shradh Tithi will start from 07:53 pm on 12 October 2023 and will end at 09:50 pm on 13 October.

Chaturdashi Tithi, a day before the end of Pitru Paksha, is considered a special date for Shradh and on this day Shradh is performed in the memory of those who died suddenly or due to an accident. On this day Shradh is also performed for those who died due to suicide, fear or any other reason. This special date of Shradh has also been mentioned in the Mahabharata.

It is said in the scriptures that on Chaturdashi, Shradh is performed for those who died due to the bite of a weapon or a poisonous snake, those who died in war or those who committed suicide. Apart from this, Shradh of the dead people should also be performed on this day.

Method of Chaturdashi Shraddha

A special method of performing tarpan and shraddha in Pitru Paksha has been described. First of all, take barley, kusha, black sesame, akshat and water in your hand and take a pledge. After taking the pledge, chant the mantra “Om Adya Shrutismritipuranokta for all worldly happiness and prosperity, for progeny growth, Devrishimanushyapitritarpanam cha aham karishye”. Perform puja, then feed Brahmins for the ancestors and then take out food for cow, dog and crow. It is believed that during Pitru Paksha, our ancestors come to our family in the form of animals and birds.

Chaturdashi Shraddha has also been mentioned in Mahabharata 

Bhishma Pitamah told Yudhishthira that Shradh is for those who have died an untimely death. That is, those who have not died naturally, their Shradh should be performed only on the Chaturdashi day of Pitru Paksha.
Shradh of those who have died naturally is not performed on this date. According to the Pandits, performing Shradh of those who died a natural death on Chaturdashi Tithi can cause problems to the person performing the Shradh.
It is also mentioned in the Kurma Purana that performing Shradh of people who died naturally on Chaturdashi is not auspicious for children.

The following rituals are performed on Chaturdashi Shraddha day:

  • Date and Muhurat: Follow the Shubh Muhurat to perform Chaturdashi Shraddha on the suitable date and Muhurat.
  • Sankalp: While performing Shraddha, take a Sankalp in your mind, i.e. pray for peace and salvation of the souls of your ancestors .
  • Pind Daan : In Pind Daan, prepare a ball of food for the souls of ancestors and offer it with water.
  • Tarpan: During the Tarpan ceremony, offer flowers and water to the soul of the ancestors.
  • Worship of God: Worship God for the peace of the souls of ancestors.
  • Charity: Give charity to the poor, priests, or those who have helped you in your puja.
  • Food: Prepare satvik food for the soul of ancestors and donate it.
  • Offering of water: Offer water during Tarpana.

These tasks should not be done on Chaturdashi Shradh day:

  • Breaking the fast: Since Shraddha is being observed on this day, you should break the fast and observe other fasts.
  • Impure food: Do not eat impure food on the day of Shraddha. Impure food can cause immediate Pitra Dosha.
  • Disrespecting Prasad: If you make food Prasad, refrain from eating it or touching it before eating it.
  • Avoid obscene or unrighteous acts: On this day, focus towards righteousness and stay away from obscene or unrighteous acts.
  • Disputes or tensions: Avoid any kind of disputes or tensions on this day. It is important to maintain peace and happiness.
  • Biological relations : Do not have biological relations on this day as it may create an obstacle in performing Shraddha rituals.
  • Harm to Animals: Show kindness and compassion towards animals, and do not harm them in any way.