Dashami Shraddha दशमी श्राद्ध

Dasami Shraddha is an important religious ritual performed on the 10th day (Dashami Tithi) during Pitru Paksha. It is specifically conducted for those ancestors who passed away on the 10th day or whose Shraddha falls on Dashami Tithi. Here's the complete information about 10th Shraddha:

Significance of Dasami Shraddha:

1. Worshiping Ancestors:

  • The purpose of Dasami Shraddha is to honor and worship the ancestors who passed away on the Dasami day or whose special Shraddha is on Dashami Tithi.
  • This day offers an opportunity to express gratitude to ancestors and seek their blessings.

2. Blessings from Ancestors:

  • Performing Shraddha on this day brings the blessings of the ancestors to the family, ensuring peace, happiness, and prosperity.

3. Relief from Pitru Dosha:

  • Performing Shraddha on the 10th day helps in alleviating Pitru Dosha (ancestral curse) and brings peace to the souls of the departed ancestors.

Main Rituals of Dasami Shraddha:

1. Pindadan and Tarpan:

  • Pindadan: Offerings are made to the ancestors using pindas (made of sesame, barley, and rice). These offerings help bring peace to the souls of the ancestors.
  • Tarpan: Water mixed with sesame seeds is offered to the ancestors, which helps in providing them peace and satisfaction.

2. Donation and Brahmin Feast:

  • Brahmin Feast: After the Shraddha, feeding Brahmins and donating clothes, money, and food holds special significance. Widows are also given donations and meals on this day.

3. Worship of Deities:

  • On this day, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva are worshiped to help ancestors attain moksha (liberation). Recitation of Vishnu Sahasranama (thousand names of Lord Vishnu) is performed, and Lord Shiva is offered bel leaves and water.

Deities Worshiped in Dasami Shraddha:

  • Pitru Devata (Ancestors): The main focus is on worshiping ancestors to bring peace to their souls and seek their blessings.
  • Lord Vishnu: Lord Vishnu is worshiped as he is considered the protector of the ancestors.
  • Lord Shiva: Lord Shiva is also worshiped to help ancestors attain liberation.

Mantras for Recitation:

1. Pitru Mantras:

  • Om Pitrubhyo Namah
  • Om Shri Pitrudevaya Namah

2. Vishnu Mantras:

  • Om Shri Vishnave Namah
  • Om Narayanaya Namah

3. Shiva Mantras:

  • Om Shivaya Namah
  • Om Mahadevaya Namah

During the Ritual:

  • Facing West: It is customary to face west while performing Pitru Puja.
  • Tarpan Method: Tarpan involves offering water, oblations, and specific items to the ancestors.

Special Rules:

  • Maintaining Purity: The person performing the Shraddha should wear clean clothes and follow all the rituals with full devotion.
  • Avoiding Tamasic Food: Consumption of meat and other tamasic (impure) foods is prohibited. Only sattvic (pure) food should be consumed during Shraddha.

Purpose of Dasami Shraddha:

The primary purpose of Dasami Shraddha is to bring peace to the souls of the ancestors and offer tributes through Tarpan and Pindadan. All family members, especially sons or male descendants, actively participate in this ritual.

Performing Dasami Shraddha with devotion and purity satisfies the ancestors' souls, and their blessings remain with the family for peace, prosperity, and protection.