Ekadashi Vrat image

Ekadashi Vrat

According to the legend about the origin of Ekadashi, Ekadashi Devi was born from the body of Lord Vishnu on the Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha in the month of Margashirsha. Therefore, Ekadashi of Margashirsha Krishna Paksha is known as Utpanna Ekadashi.

When Lord Vishnu got tired of fighting with the demon Mura, he rested in the Badrikashram cave. Mura followed Lord Vishnu to Badrikashram. Mura tried to kill the sleeping Lord, then a Goddess was born from Lord Vishnu's body and this Goddess killed Mura.
Pleased with the Goddess's act, Lord Vishnu said, “Goddess, you were born on Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha of Margashirsha month, so your name will be Ekadashi. He also said that from today on every Ekadashi of the year, you will be worshipped along with me and whoever observes fast on this Ekadashi will be freed from sins.

Ekadashi comes every 15 days (the day after full moon and new moon). This is the time when the body goes through a certain cycle. At this time the body does not require much food or it requires less than other days. At this time the body wants to be light and clean. The energy wants to flow inwards.

Importance of Ekadashi

According to the Puranas, Ekadashi is also known as “Hari Din” and “Hari Vasar”. This fast is observed by both Vaishnav and non-Vaishnav communities. It is said that the fruit of Ekadashi fast is greater than havan, yagya, Vedic rituals etc. There is also a belief that by observing this fast our ancestors go to heaven. The importance of Ekadashi Vrat is also described in Skanda Purana. Anyone observing this fast is forbidden from eating wheat, spices, vegetables etc. on the day of Ekadashi.

Benefits of observing Ekadashi fast

  • By observing Ekadashi fast, a person remains healthy. Even the most incurable diseases can be cured.
  • You will also get relief from ghosts, vampires and demons.
  • You become free from all the worries of life. A person gets freedom from financial troubles and gets happiness and prosperity in life.
  • One becomes free from attachment and bondage and is absolved of all the sins committed in life.
  • A son is born and happiness awakens.
  • By observing Ekadasi fast early, one gets virtue equal to that of Ashwamedha Yagna and gets success in all works.
  • Poverty will be eliminated and enemies will be destroyed.
  • By observing Ekadashi fast, ancestors are freed from insults.

Do not consume it on Ekadashi date

You should not eat rice on Ekadashi day even by mistake, even if you are not fasting. According to religious beliefs, a person who eats rice on Ekadashi Tithi is born as a creeper in the next life. However, if you eat rice on Dwadashi Tithi, you will get rid of this disease as well.

Tulsi leaves should not be plucked on Ekadashi. If there are children or elderly people in the house who are not observing Ekadashi fast, then they should pluck the leaves on Dwadashi day.