Shri Vishnu chalisa image

Shri Vishnu Chalisa

।। Doha ।।

Vishnu Suniyen Vinay Sevak Ki Chitlai,
Kirat Kuchh Varnan Karun Dijai Gyaan Bataai.

Meaning: O Vishnu, the sustainer of the universe, please heed the plea of your devotee. I am going to describe your glories through this Vishnu Chalisa; please bestow upon me the wisdom to do so.

।। Chaupai ।।

Namo Vishnu Bhagwan Kharari, Kasht Nashawan Akhil Bihari.

Meaning: Lord Vishnu, who eradicates all sufferings and is the savior of all, I bow to you.

Prabal Jagat Mein Shakti Tumhari, Tribhuvan Phael Rahi Ujiyaari.

Meaning: Your power is the mightiest in the entire universe, and your glory is spreading throughout the three worlds.

Sundar Roop Manohar Surat, Saral Swabhav Mohani Murat.

Meaning: Your form is very beautiful and enchanting, with a simple and captivating demeanor.

Tan Par Peetambar Ati Sohat, Baijanti Mala Man Mohat.

Meaning: You adorn yourself with yellow garments and a mesmerizing garland of Vaijayanti flowers.

Shankh Chakra Kar Gada Biraje, Dekhat Daitya Asur Dal Bhaje.

Meaning: Holding the conch, discus, and mace in your hands, the sight of which makes the demons flee in fear.

Satya Dharm Mad Lobh Na Gaaje, Kaam Krodh Mad Lobh Na Chhaaje.

Meaning: Because of you, truth and righteousness prevail in the world, while lust, anger, pride, and greed are dispelled.

Shree Vishnu Chalisa image

Sant Bhakt Sajjan Man Ranjan, Danuj Asur Dushtan Dal Ganjan.

Meaning: You protect and bring joy to saints and virtuous people, while vanquishing demons and wicked beings.

Sukh Upjaay Kasht Sab Bhanjan, Dosh Mitaay Karat Jan Sajjan.

Meaning: You bring happiness and remove all sorrows, eliminating faults and making people virtuous.

Paap Kaat Bhav Sindhu Utaran, Kasht Naashkar Bhakt Ubaarn.

Meaning: Lord Vishnu destroys the sins of his devotees, uplifting them from the ocean of worldly existence and removing their sufferings.

Karat Anek Roop Prabhu Dharan, Keval Aap Bhakti Ke Kaaran.

Meaning: You have taken many forms to protect dharma on Earth and uplift your devotees.

Dharni Dhenu Ban Tumhin Pukara, Tab Tum Roop Ram Ka Dhara.

Meaning: In Treta Yuga, when the Earth was burdened by the tyranny of demons, you incarnated as Lord Ram in response to the prayers of your devotees.

Bhaar Utaar Asur Dal Maara, Ravan Aadik Ko Sanhaara.

Meaning: As Lord Ram, you vanquished the demon king Ravana and his army, thus relieving the Earth of its burden.

Aap Varaah Roop Banaya, Hiranyaksh Ko Maar Giraya.

Meaning: In your Varaha avatar, you rescued the Earth from the demon Hiranyaksha, who had submerged it in the ocean, and killed him.

Dhar Matsya Tan Sindhu Banaya, Choudah Ratnan Ko Nikalaaya.

Meaning: At the end of the previous Kalpa, you took the form of a fish (Matsya) and retrieved the fourteen jewels from the ocean, displaying your glory.

Amilkh Asuran Dwand Machaya, Roop Mohini Aap Dikhaya.

Meaning: During the churning of the ocean, when the demons created a great commotion for the nectar, you assumed the form of Mohini.

Devan Ko Amrit Paan Karaya, Asuran Ko Chhavi Se Bahlaya.

Meaning: In the form of Mohini, you gave the nectar to the gods and kept the demons distracted with your enchanting appearance.

Kurm Roop Dhar Sindhu Majhaya, Mandrachal Giri Turat Uthaya.

Meaning: To aid in the churning of the ocean, you took the form of a tortoise (Kurma) and lifted Mount Mandara on your back.

Shankar Ka Tum Phand Chhudaya, Bhasmasur Ko Roop Dikhaya.

Meaning: When Lord Shiva was troubled by the demon Bhasmasur, you took a captivating form to trick the demon and save Shiva.

Vedan Ko Jab Asur Dubaya, Kar Prabandh Unhein Dhundvaya.

Meaning: When the demons stole the Vedas and submerged them in the ocean, you took the form of Hayagriva to retrieve them.

Mohit Bankar Khalhi Nachaya, Usi Kar Se Bhasm Karaya.

Meaning: In your Mohini form, you tricked Bhasmasur into dancing and using his own power to turn himself to ashes.

Asur Jalandhar Ati Baldaai, Shankar Se Un Keen Ladaai.

Meaning: The demon Jalandhar, who was very powerful, waged a great battle against Lord Shiva.

Haar Paar Shiv Sakal Banai, Keen Sati Se Chhal Khal Jaai.

Meaning: Lord Shiva fought fiercely with Jalandhar, but due to Jalandhar’s wife Vrinda’s devotion, he could not be defeated, causing distress to Sati.

Sumiran Keen Tumhein Shivraani, Batlai Sab Vipatti Kahani.

Meaning: Seeing this, Sati (Parvati) remembered you and narrated the entire predicament.

Tab Tum Bane Munishwar Gyani, Vrinda Ki Sab Surati Bhulani.

Meaning: In response, you assumed the form of a sage and distracted Vrinda, causing her to lose her concentration.

Shri vishnu chalisa image

Dekhat Teen Danuj Shaitaani, Vrinda Aayi Tumhein Lapatani.

Meaning: Vrinda was deceived by your appearance and, believing you to be her husband Jalandhar, embraced you.

Ho Sparsh Dharm Kshati Maani, Hana Asur Ur Shiv Shaitaani.

Meaning: Feeling the touch, Vrinda’s chastity was broken, and Lord Shiva, taking advantage of this, killed Jalandhar.

Tumne Dhruv Prahlad Ubaare, Hiranyakush Aadik Khal Maare.

Meaning: You saved your devotees Dhruv and Prahlad and destroyed demons like Hiranyakashipu.

Ganika Aur Ajamila Taare, Bahut Bhakt Bhav Sindhu Utaare.

Meaning: You have delivered many devotees like Ganika and Ajamila, rescuing them from the ocean of worldly existence.

Harhu Sakal Santap Hamare, Kripa Karahu Hari Sirjan Haare.

Meaning: O Lord Vishnu, remover of all sufferings, please have mercy and remove all our pains.

Dekhun Main Nij Darash Tumhare, Deen Bandhu Bhaktan Hitkaare.

Meaning: I long to see your divine form. You are the friend of the poor and the benefactor of your devotees.

Chahat Aapka Sevak Darshan, Karahu Daya Apni Madhusudan.

Meaning: Your devotee yearns for your darshan. O Madhusudan, please be merciful.

Janu Nahin Yogya Jap Poojan, Hoy Yagya Stuti Anumodan.

Meaning: I do not know the proper ways of chanting or worship. Please accept my humble praise.

Sheeldaya Santosh Sulakshan, Vidit Nahin Vratbodh Vilakshan.

Meaning: I am not well-versed in virtuous conduct, contentment, or the significance of vows.

Karhu Aapka Kis Vidhi Poojan, Kumati Vilok Hot Dukh Bhishan.

Meaning: How should I worship you? Seeing my ignorance, I am deeply troubled.

Karhu Pranam Kaun Vidhisumiran, Kaun Bhanti Main Karhu Samarpan.

Meaning: I bow to you and remember you in my heart. How should I offer my devotion to you?

Sur Muni Karat Sada Sevakai, Harshit Rahat Param Gati Paai.

Meaning: Deities and sages always serve you and are delighted, attaining the highest state.

Deen Dukhin Par Sada Sahaai, Jin Jan Jaan Lev Apnaai.

Meaning: You are always compassionate towards the poor and the distressed, accepting them as your own.

Paap Dosh Santap Nashao, Bhav Bandhan Se Mukt Karao.

Meaning: Please remove my sins, faults, and sufferings, and liberate me from the bonds of worldly existence.

Sut Sampatti De Sukh Upjaao, Nij Charanan Ka Daas Banao.

Meaning: Grant me children and wealth, and make me a servant at your feet, thus giving me happiness.

Nigam Sada Ye Vinay Sunaavai, Padhai Sunai So Jan Sukh Paavai.

Meaning: Nigam (the Vedas) always recite this prayer, stating that those who read or hear this Vishnu Chalisa will attain happiness.