Tulsi Vivah Vrat Katha image

Tulsi Vivah Vrat Katha

In ancient times, a girl was born in a demon family, whose name was Vrinda. Even after being born in a demon family like Daityaraja Kalanemi, Vrinda used to worship Lord Vishnu. When Vrinda grew up, she was married to a demon named Jalandhar.

Jalandhar was a very powerful demon, who was born from the sea due to the brilliance of Lord Shiva. Due to his strength, Jalandhar was made the king of demons. After marrying Vrinda, Jalandhar's power and might kept increasing. It was difficult to defeat him by any means.

All the gods were troubled by Jalandhar's growing arrogance and terror. The reason behind Jalandhar's growing power was his wife Vrinda's devotion to Vishnu and chastity. Eventually, Jalandhar, intoxicated with his power and arrogance, started trying to control the goddesses of heaven.

During this time, once he tried to get Maa Lakshmi, but since he was born from the ocean, Maa Lakshmi made him her brother. Then his eyes fell on Maa Parvati and Jalandhar created an illusion to get her.

Jalandhar, through his illusion, assumed the form of Shiva and tried to get close to Goddess Parvati. At that very moment, Goddess Parvati recognized him and before Jalandhar could understand anything, she disappeared.

Parvati ji got very angry with this misbehavior of Jalandhar and she told Lord Vishnu about this entire incident. Meanwhile, Jalandhar was fighting with Lord Shiva on Mount Kailash to get Parvati ji.

Then Lord Vishnu decided to teach Jalandhar a lesson. Everyone knew that Jalandhar had become invincible only because of his wife's worship and chastity. In such a situation, to defeat Jalandhar, Lord Vishnu used a deceptive trick to break his wife's chastity.

Lord Vishnu took the form of a hermit and went to meet Vrinda in the forest. He was accompanied by two illusionary demons, seeing whom Vrinda got scared. Then Lord Vishnu killed both those demons in front of Vrinda. Seeing this, Vrinda understood that this was no ordinary person. At that very moment Vrinda asked the hermit about her husband. The Lord disguised as a hermit manifested two monkeys with his magical powers. Both the monkeys had Jalandhar's head and torso in their hands.

Seeing this, Vrinda fainted. After regaining consciousness after some time, she started praying to the saint to bring her husband back to life. Hearing Vrinda's request, the saint joined the parts of Jalandhar's severed body with his magic in front of her eyes and himself entered that body. Vrinda had no idea that she had been deceived like this.

Vrinda started living with Vishnu Ji who had taken the form of Jalandhar as her husband. By doing this, Vrinda's chastity was broken, after which Jalandhar lost the battle in Mount Kailash. When Vrinda came to know the truth, she cursed Lord Vishnu to become a stone in anger. After this incident, Vrinda herself became a sati, and the Tulsi plant appeared at the place where she was burnt.

Lord Vishnu was pleased with Vrinda's devotion to her husband and said, “O Vrinda! After seeing your devotion to your husband, I have started liking you. Now you will always stay with me in the form of Tulsi. Whoever marries your Tulsi form with my Shaligram will get thousand times more fame and virtue. In the house where Tulsi resides, Yamdoots will never come untimely.

Further God said, “ Those who worship the Tulsi plant will get virtue equal to bathing in Ganga and Narmada. No matter how evil any person is in the world, no matter how many sins he has committed, Tulsi and Ganga water will definitely be put in his mouth during death. By this he will be freed from his sins and go to Vaikunth Dham. Apart from this, the person who will perform the Shraddha of ancestors under the shade of Tulsi and Amla tree, his ancestors will get salvation.”