Chhath pooja image

Chhath Puja

According to beliefs, along with worshiping the Sun God, chanting the Gayatri Mantra is also considered auspicious. According to the scriptures, if a person worships the Sun God on the day of Surya Shashthi, then all the worries of his life go away.

This fast is associated with the worship of Lord Surya. According to the belief, along with the worship of the Sun God, chanting the Gayatri Mantra is also considered auspicious. According to the scriptures, worshipping Lord Surya on the day of Surya Shashthi not only removes all the problems of life but also brightens the fortune of the person.

Sun God is placed in the space as the protector of the world. The light of Sun God nourishes all living things and plants. Therefore, devotees who duly worship Sun God on this day are blessed with children, health and wealth.

The power of the Sun God has been explained in detail in Vedas, Puranas, Yoga Shastras etc. Sun worship is always auspicious. Therefore, whoever worships the Sun God on the day of Surya Shashthi will always be free from sorrows.

In ancient scriptures, the Sun is considered to be the healer and the source of soul and life force. It is said that this fast is also very important for having a son. It is believed that a person who observes this fast completely will not have any sorrows on his children or his future and his character will become bright.

If this fast is observed with faith and devotion, the love between father and son remains intact. Nothing happens in the world without sunlight. Sun rays bring life and bring power and light in living beings. Surya Upasana keeps the body healthy. It is believed that fasting on the day of Surya Shashthi not only cures old diseases but also keeps the flow of positive energy in the body.

Those who worship the Sun and observe a fast on Surya Shashthi, all their diseases are cured. Surya Chikitsa is used in Ayurvedic and naturopathy systems. Worshiping the Sun on Surya Shashthi also increases the honor and respect of a person and removes any kind of stigma from the person's life.

Problems like physical weakness, bone weakness and joint pain can be treated with incense. Physical skin diseases are cured by offering incense and worshipping the Sun. Apart from this, worshipping the Sun on this day gives spiritual power.

Special importance of Chhath Puja

By performing Chhath Puja, the family remains satisfied with wealth, husband, son, happiness and prosperity. By observing this fast, one gets quick relief from skin and eye diseases. This is one of the most difficult periods of fasting. This fast lasts for 36 hours, but the Nirjala fast lasts for more than 24 hours. The Chhath fast starts from the Chaturthi Tithi of Kartik month and ends with offering Arghya at sunset on Saptami day.

Chhath Puja Mantra 

Om Mitray Salutation, Om Ravaye Salutation, Om Sun Salutation, Om Bhanave Salutation, Om Khagay Salutation, Om Hate Sun Salutation, Om Pushne Salutation, Om Hiranyagarbhaya Salutation, Om Marichaye Salutation, Om Aditya Salutation, Om Savitre Salutation, Om Arkaay Salutation, Om Bhaskaray Salutation, Om Shri Savitri Suryanarayana Salutation:

Sun God Mantra

I bow to you Adidev, I praise you Bhaskar.
I bow to the sun and I bow to the morning sun.

Surya Arghya Method 

  • After offering water to the rising or setting sun, circle around the water three times.
  • While offering Arghya to Sun God, chant the mantra “Om Suryaya Namah”.
  • Take special care that at the time of Surya Arghya both the hands should be above the head.
  • If possible, wear red clothes during Surya Arghya.
  • To offer Arghya, it will be auspicious to add roli, rose petals and a red flower in the water.
  • After offering water, light incense and worship the Sun God.
  • Offer fruits to Sun God and offer food to him.
  • Finally distribute the fruits among the family members as prasad.

Main Prasad of Chhath Puja

The main Prasad of Chhath Puja is banana and coconut. The Mahaprasad of this festival is also called Thekua. This Thekua is made from flour, jaggery and pure ghee. Which is quite famous. According to religious beliefs, Chhath Puja is considered a very difficult festival. During this festival, women observe a waterless fast for three days. Chhath Mata and Lord Surya are worshiped during Chhath Puja. According to mythology, whoever worships with full rituals, all his wishes are fulfilled.