Kokila-vrat image

Kokila Vrat 2024

Kokila Vrat will be observed on Saturday, 20 July 2024. It is an important fast for women in Indian culture which is observed every year with special devotion and dedication. This fast is dedicated to Lord Kokila Mata, also known as Goddess Saraswati. In this fast, women do not drink water from morning and eat food only after worship. Special prayers are offered during the fast and it is observed with full devotion and devotion according to cultural beliefs. It is believed that by following it, women get the art of speaking sweetly and charmingly like Kokila and this leads to a long and prosperous life of their husband. In the tradition of fasting, it is conducted with special worship, bhajan-kirtan and in the company of saints and sages which shows women the path of sadhana, meditation and dedication.

Know why Kokila Vrat is observed:

It is believed that the Kokila Vrat has its origins in the Vedic period and this fast is a medium for women to receive the power and blessings of Goddess Saraswati. The Kokila bird is considered to be the vehicle of Goddess Saraswati, who is the goddess of knowledge, art, music and learning. Therefore, through this fast, women worship Goddess Saraswati and pray to her to receive the blessings of knowledge and art.

Listening to the sweet sound of the nightingale bird is believed to improve the emotions and peace of mind of women. It is especially believed that observing this fast makes women feel confident and empowered, which enhances their education and culture. Apart from this, during the fast, one also gets the opportunity to receive guidance from acharyas and sadhus and saints, who show the path of meditation, tradition, and sadhana.

Women must follow the following tasks on Kokila Vrat day:

  1. Bath and purification: Wake up in the morning, take a bath and take a special resolution for purification.
  2. Saraswati Puja: Worship Goddess Saraswati. Offer her white clothes and Bel leaves. Also worship books of knowledge.
  3. Chanting mantras and meditation: Chant Saraswati mantras and meditate. This increases intelligence and knowledge.
  4. Vrati Bhojan: Follow Vrati Bhojan on this day. Stay without food and eat satvik food.
  5. Support music and arts: Support the ideals of music and arts to receive the blessings of Goddess Saraswati.
  6. Dialogue with saints or acharyas: The devotee should meet saints or acharyas on this day and receive the blessings of the Sadguru.
  7. Rituals and Charity: Perform charitable acts on this day and donate food, clothes etc. to the poor.

By performing these acts, the devotee can attain the grace of Goddess Saraswati and receive blessings for increase in knowledge, wisdom and art.

What benefits will women get by keeping Kokila Vrat:

  1. Spiritual development: Keeping the fast purifies the mind and leads to spiritual development. With the blessings of Goddess Saraswati, knowledge, wisdom and art increase.
  2. Mental peace: Fasting gives mental peace and the soul experiences peace.
  3. Inclination towards music and art: By observing Kokila Vrat, women develop an inclination towards music and art. With the blessings of Goddess Saraswati, their powers increase and they can achieve mastery in their field.
  4. Happiness of the family: Keeping the fast increases prosperity and happiness in the family. The importance of motherhood and wifely devotion is understood.
  5. Confidence and stability: Fasting strengthens the confidence and stability of women. They are able to achieve their goals and maintain balance in life.