Papankusha Ekadashi image

Papankusha Ekadashi

Papankusha Ekadashi is considered one of the important Ekadashis as those who observe this day are blessed with health, wealth and all worldly desires. It is also believed that if a person does not observe the fast of Papankusha Ekadashi, he will never be able to get rid of his sins and his bad karma will continue throughout his life. This revered fasting ritual is equivalent to performing 100 Surya Yajnas or 1000 Ashvamedha Yajnas.

Rituals during Papankusha Ekadashi:

Hindu devotees observe a strict or silent fast on Papankusha day. The person observing this fast should wake up early in the morning and wear clean clothes after taking a bath. The fast rituals of Papankusha Ekadashi begin on the 10th day of Dashami. One time satvik meal is consumed before sunset on this day and the fast continues till the end of Ekadashi. Devotees should not lie or do sinful acts during the fast. The Papankusha Ekadashi fast ends with Dwadashi (12th day). Devotees should offer food and charity to a Brahmin before breaking the fast. The
person observing this fast should not sleep at all, day or night. They spend their time reciting Vedic mantras and hymns in praise of Lord Vishnu. Reciting Vishnu Sahasranama is also considered very auspicious.
Lord Vishnu is worshipped with rituals on the day of Papankusha Ekadashi. On this day, the form of Lord Vishnu seated on Garur is worshipped with utmost devotion. The Padmanabha form of Shrihari is worshipped with flowers, betel leaves, lamps and incense sticks. Aarti is performed at the end of the puja ritual.
Charity and virtue also yield special results on the day of Papankusha Ekadashi. If a person is unable to fast, he can donate clothes, food and other necessities to the Brahmins and thus get the same virtue. Some people also organize “Brahmin Utsav” on the day of Papankusha Ekadashi. It is believed that those who donate on the day of Papankusha Ekadashi never go to hell, the abode of Lord Yamraj, after death.

Importance of Papankusha Ekadashi:

The glory of Papankusha Ekadashi is described in the Brahma Vaivatra Purana and is considered to be the most auspicious fast that liberates one from sins. In Hindu mythology, Maharaja Yudhishthira asked Lord Krishna to teach him about the benefits of fasting on this holy day. It is said that those who devoutly observe the Papankusha Ekadashi fast and pray to Lord Vishnu are forgiven of their sins and later attain liberation from this world. Moreover, if a person, regardless of his age, recites the name of Lord Vishnu on Papankusha Ekadashi, he gets the same merit as visiting a Hindu pilgrimage site and receives the blessings of Yamraj, the god of death.

Papankusha Ekadashi Vrat Katha:

Yudhishthira asked, “Madhusudana! Now please tell me which Ekadashi is observed in the Shukla Paksha of Ashwin month?
Lord Shri Krishna replied, “O King! The Ekadasi observed during the Shukla Paksha of Ashvin is known as Papankusha. It is famous for its ability to destroy all sins and is highly auspicious. On this day, one should also worship me, Vasudeva, known as Padmanabha, to achieve all his desires and receive the blessings of heaven and liberation.

The same fruit which a person obtains by performing rigorous penance for a long time and conquering his senses is obtained by paying homage to Lord Garudadhwaj on this day. The merits obtained by visiting all the holy places and temples on earth can be obtained by merely chanting the name of Lord Vishnu on this day. Those who take refuge in the omnipresent Lord Janardana holding Sarangadhanush (Lord Vishnu's bow and arrow) do not have to suffer the tortures of Yamaloka.

Even if a person observes Ekadasi as a result of some other activity, he never has to suffer the torment of Yama (the god of death). A person who criticizes Lord Shiva despite being a devotee of Lord Vishnu does not get a place in the kingdom of Lord Vishnu and they will inevitably fall into hell. Similarly, if someone following the Shaiva or Pashupata tradition criticizes Lord Vishnu, they are thrown into the terrible Raurava hell and boiled until the age of fourteen Indras is completed. This Ekadasi bestows heaven, liberation, good health, beauty, wealth and friends and is beneficial to all.

O King! By observing Ekadasi fast and staying awake all night, a man easily attains the abode of Lord Vishnu. O King of Kings! Such a person liberates ten generations from the mother's side, ten generations from the father's side and even ten generations of the wife's family. Those who observe Ekadasi fast go to the abode of Lord Vishnu in the afterlife.

By observing the Papankusha fast in the Shukla Paksha of the month of Ashwin, a person is freed from all sins and attains Lord Hari. The person who donates gold, sesame, land, cow, food, water, shoes and umbrellas never has to face Yamraj, the god of death.

O great king! According to his ability, even a destitute person should engage in activities like bathing and prayer to make his day successful. Those who perform virtuous acts like bathing, recitation, meditation and performing yajna do not have to suffer the terrible sufferings of Yama. In society, those persons who are blessed with long life, wealth, noble lineage and good health were virtuous in their previous lives, due to which they enjoy their present life.

Know what to do and what not to do: 

According to religious beliefs, garlic, onion and non-vegetarian food should not be consumed during Ekadashi fasting. If a person does not observe fast on this day and any member of his family is observing Ekadashi fast, then rice should not be consumed on this day.

1. Those who do not observe Ekadashi fast should also not consume alcohol or other intoxicants on this day. It is said that this makes Lord Vishnu angry.

2. According to popular belief, one should not use oil, soap, shampoo, etc. on Ekadashi fasting day. Women should also not wash their hair on this day. Also, men are not allowed to cut their hair or beard on this day.

3.  Rice, brinjal and lentils should not be eaten on the day of Papankusha Ekadashi. Eating these foods on Ekadashi is considered inauspicious. Also, this special cleaning should be avoided.

4.  Light a lamp in front of Lord Vishnu on the day of Papankusha Ekadashi. It is believed that if someone shows a lamp to Lord Vishnu on this day, he gets a place in heaven after death.

5. Today, during the Papankusha Ekadashi fast, after worshiping Lord Vishnu, one must recite the Vrat Katha. It is believed that by observing Ekadashi fast , all the sins of life are destroyed.