ऋषि पंचमी 2024

Rishi Panchami 2024

Rishi Panchami is an important Hindu fast and festival observed on the Panchami (fifth) day of the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of the moon) in the month of Bhadrapada. This year, it will be celebrated on September 8, 2024. The festival is especially significant for women, who observe a fast on this day and worship the Saptarishis (seven great sages). The main purpose of this fast is to seek purification from impure actions of both past and present lives, particularly related to menstruation-related transgressions. It is also considered a festival of cleansing and purity, symbolizing spiritual and physical purification. It holds special importance for women who may have unknowingly violated any menstruation-related rituals.

Significance of Rishi Panchami

Rishi Panchami fast holds great religious significance. It is believed that observing this fast and worshiping the Saptarishis helps women eliminate all types of sins or transgressions they may have committed, knowingly or unknowingly. The fast is particularly observed to cleanse the impurities associated with menstruation. In Hindu tradition, there are certain rules and guidelines that women are expected to follow during menstruation. If these rules are not adhered to, it is considered a form of sin. By observing the Rishi Panchami fast, these sins can be nullified.

The Saptarishis worshiped during this fast are Vashistha, Kashyapa, Atri, Jamadagni, Bharadwaja, Vishwamitra, and Gautama. These seven sages are considered prominent figures in Hinduism, and worshiping them brings spiritual power and blessings. Observing this fast is also seen as a means to attain family peace, prosperity, and satisfaction. Women are believed to achieve both physical and mental purification through this observance.

Rishi Panchami Fast Story

There is a popular legend associated with Rishi Panchami that illustrates its significance. Once, a Brahmin named Uttanka lived with his wife Susila in the Vidarbha region. They had a daughter, who was married at the appropriate age. Unfortunately, after her marriage, she became a widow. Soon after, her body developed sores and she suffered immensely. When the Brahmin asked his wife the reason for their daughter’s suffering, she explained that their daughter had violated some rules during her menstruation period, leading to her affliction.

To rid herself of this curse, the daughter observed the Rishi Panchami fast and worshipped the Saptarishis. After completing the fast, she was freed from all her sufferings and regained both physical and mental purity. This story emphasizes the importance of Rishi Panchami, showing how it helps women atone for their impure deeds and attain purification.

Rishi Panchami Fast Procedure

On Rishi Panchami, women wake up early before sunrise, take a bath, and make a vow to observe the fast. Since this fast symbolizes purity, women often wear light or white-colored clothes on this day. Symbols or idols of the Saptarishis are made for worship, and they are offered akshat (rice), sandalwood, incense, lamps, and flowers during the ritual.

After the worship, the Rishi Panchami story is recited. This story highlights the importance of the fast and the Saptarishis. Once the worship and storytelling are complete, women break their fast with sattvic food. Most women eat only fruits on this day, while some abstain from consuming any food grains. Foods like garlic, onions, and other tamasic (impure) items are strictly avoided.

Things to Avoid on Rishi Panchami

On Rishi Panchami, it is important to follow specific rules and avoid certain activities to reap the full benefits of the fast and worship. Below are a few things that should not be done on this day:

  1. Avoid eating grains: Consuming grains is prohibited on this day. Women are advised to eat fruits or drink water only. Avoid consuming grains like rice, wheat, and lentils.
  2. Avoid tamasic food: Refrain from eating garlic, onions, meat, fish, and other tamasic (impure) foods.
  3. Avoid breaking menstruation rules: Women should strictly follow menstruation-related rules and avoid any actions that violate them. Maintaining physical and spiritual purity is crucial.
  4. Refrain from worldly activities: It is advised to avoid engaging in materialistic or worldly activities. Instead, devote more time to worship, prayer, and reflection.
  5. Avoid criticism and harsh words: Refrain from criticizing others, telling lies, or using harsh language. Maintain purity in your thoughts, words, and actions.
  6. Do not wear unclean clothes: After bathing, wear clean and pure clothes. Avoid wearing dirty or impure garments.
  7. Avoid cutting hair and nails: Do not cut your hair, nails, or perform any grooming activities on this day. This is considered inauspicious.
  8. Avoid physical and mental impurity: Try to keep your mind calm and pure during the fast. Avoid negative emotions like anger, hatred, or jealousy.

Rishi Panchami is an extremely important observance for women in Hindu society. This festival provides an opportunity for spiritual purification and mental peace. By observing the fast, women can ensure family harmony and peace, while strengthening their faith in religious traditions. Rishi Panchami symbolizes feminine purity and spiritual power, offering women a new path towards a life filled with righteousness and purity.