Saptami Shraddha सप्तमी श्राद्ध

Saptami Shraddha is an important Hindu religious ritual specifically dedicated to honoring and paying respects to one's ancestors (Pitrus). It is observed on the seventh day (Saptami Tithi) of the Pitru Paksha, a 16-day period dedicated to the worship of ancestors.

Key Features of Saptami Shraddha:

1. Purpose:

The main purpose of performing Saptami Shraddha is to provide peace and satisfaction to the souls of ancestors who passed away on Saptami Tithi. It is an opportunity to express gratitude and pay respect to one's ancestors.

2. Timing:

Saptami Shraddha is performed on the seventh day (Saptami Tithi) of the Pitru Paksha, which usually falls during the Krishna Paksha (waning moon phase) of the month of Bhadrapada (around September). The exact date depends on the lunar calendar.

3. Rituals:

  • Shraddha Ceremony: On this day, food, water, and clothes are offered to ancestors to ensure the satisfaction of their souls.
  • Tarpan: Tarpan involves offering water mixed with sesame seeds (til) to the ancestors to bring peace to their souls.
  • Pind Daan: Pind Daan is the offering of rice, barley, and sesame balls (pind) to the ancestors. This is considered a significant ritual for satisfying the souls of the departed.
  • Worship of Lord Vishnu and Shiva: On this day, Lord Shiva and Vishnu are worshipped, as they are believed to be the guides for the souls of the ancestors. Water and Bilva leaves (bel patra) are offered to Lord Shiva, while hymns such as the Vishnu Sahasranama or Vishnu Chalisa are recited in devotion to Lord Vishnu.

4. Mantras to Satisfy Ancestors:

  • Om Pitrubhya Namah
    Translation: Salutations to the ancestors. Through this mantra, respect and tribute are offered to them.
  • Om Yamaya Namah
    Translation: Salutations to Yamaraja (Lord of Death). Worshiping Yamaraja brings peace and salvation to the souls of the ancestors.

5. Procedure:

  • Priest or Pandit: A qualified priest is invited to perform the rituals according to proper guidelines.
  • Puja Materials: Items such as a fan, clothes, fruits, flowers, lamps, sesame seeds, sandalwood, and water are arranged for the puja.
  • Tarpan: Water is offered to the ancestors to pay homage.
  • Food Offerings: Special dishes and food are prepared as offerings to the ancestors.

6. Brahmin Feeding and Charity:

  • Brahmin Bhoj: Offering food to Brahmins and giving donations is an essential part of the Shraddha ceremony.
  • Charity (Daan): Donations of food, clothes, and money are made to the needy, which brings satisfaction to the ancestors’ souls.

7. Special Rules:

  • Avoidance of Non-Vegetarian Food: On this day, it is important to refrain from consuming meat, fish, eggs, and other non-vegetarian items.
  • Purity and Devotion: The Shraddha rituals must be performed with complete purity and sincere devotion.

Saptami Shraddha is a day dedicated to offering respect and tribute to those ancestors who passed away on Saptami Tithi. Performing Shraddha and charity on this day helps bring peace to the souls of the ancestors and brings blessings of prosperity and happiness to the family.