Shashthi Shraddha षष्ठी श्राद्ध

Shashthi Shraddha, observed on the sixth day of the Pitru Paksha, is specifically dedicated to ancestors who passed away on the sixth day of the Shukla Paksha (waxing moon) or Krishna Paksha (waning moon). The aim of this day is to perform Shraddha rituals for the peace and contentment of the souls of these ancestors so that they may attain liberation and the family may receive their blessings.

Importance of Shashthi Shraddha:

  1. Peace of Ancestors' Souls: On this day, Shraddha rituals and Tarpan (offering of water) are performed to bring peace to the souls of those ancestors who departed on the Shashthi tithi. It is an opportunity to honor and express gratitude towards the ancestors.
  2. Religious Significance: The religious significance of Shashthi Shraddha is that performing these rituals satisfies the ancestors' souls and brings happiness, prosperity, and blessings to the family. It is also important for liberation from ancestral doshas (defects).

Rituals of Shashthi Shraddha:

1. Shraddha and Tarpan:

  • Shraddha Rituals: Food, water, and clothing are offered to the ancestors. Tarpan involves offering water mixed with sesame seeds to the ancestors, which is done to satisfy their souls.
  • Pind Daan: Pind (spherical offerings) made from rice, barley, and sesame seeds are offered to the ancestors. This ritual helps in satisfying the ancestors' souls.

2. Worship of Lord Vishnu and Shiva:

  • Lord Shiva and Vishnu: On this day, worship is performed for Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu as they are considered to be the guides for the liberation of ancestors. Lord Shiva is offered water and bel leaves, and Vishnu is worshiped through Vishnu Sahasranama or Vishnu Chalisa recitation.

3. Sanskrit Mantras for pleasing the ancestors (Pitrus):

1. Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Maamritat

We worship the three-eyed one (Lord Shiva), who permeates all and nourishes all beings. May He free us from the bondage of worldly attachments, just as a ripe cucumber is freed from its stalk. May He save us from the cycle of birth and death and grant us immortality.

2. Om Devatabhyaḥ Pitrubhyaścha Mahayogibhyah Eva Cha
Namah Swahaya Swadhaya Nityameva Namo Namah

I bow down to the divine beings, the ancestors, and the great yogis. I offer my salutations to Swaha (the feminine aspect of offerings) and Swadha (the feminine aspect of ancestral rituals). My salutations are always offered with devotion.

4. Procedure:

  • Priest or Pandit: A qualified priest or purohit is usually called to perform the Shraddha rituals as per the prescribed methods.
  • Worship Materials: Special items for worship include fans, clothes, fruits, flowers, lamps, sesame seeds, sandalwood, and water.
  • Pitr Tarpan: Tarpan (offering of water) is done to pay homage to the ancestors.
  • Food Offerings: Special dishes are prepared and offered to the ancestors.

5. Brahmin Feast and Charity:

  • Feeding Brahmins: Feeding Brahmins and giving charity is an important part of the Shraddha ritual. Donations include food, clothing, money, and assistance to those in need, which helps in satisfying the ancestors' souls.

6. Special Rules:

  • Avoidance of Tamasic Foods: Consumption of tamasic foods such as meat, fish, and eggs is prohibited on this day.
  • Purity and Devotion: It is essential to perform the Shraddha rituals with complete purity and devotion, adhering to the prescribed rules.

Shashthi Shraddha is an important day dedicated to offering respect to ancestors who passed away on the Shashthi tithi. The rituals and donations made on this day help in bringing peace to the ancestors' souls and bring prosperity and happiness to the family.