Shiv Ji Tandav Stotra शिव तांडव जी स्तोत्र

Shiv Ji Tandav Stotra

Gale'valamby Lambitaam Bhujangatungamaalikaam।
Chakaara Chandataandavam Tanotu Nah Shivah Shivam॥1॥

Meaning: May Lord Shiva, who wore a huge garland of hanging snakes around his neck, sanctified by the falling flow of Ganga ji emerging from the forest of matted hair, and performed the fierce Tandava dance adorned with the sound of Damaru (Dum Dum), expand our welfare.

Kishorachandrashhekare Ratih Pratikshanam Mama॥2॥

Meaning; May I have eternal love for Lord Shiva, whose head is adorned by the playful waves of the Ganga revolving rapidly in the cauldron of matted hair, whose forehead is burning with gusto, whose head is adorned with the moon.

Dharadharendra-nandini Vilasabandhubandhura
Sphurad Digantasanta-tipramodamaanamaanase।
Kripaakatakshadhoraani Niruddhadurdharapadi
Kvachiddigambare Mano Vinodametu Vastuni॥3॥

Meaning: Whose mind is filled with joy on seeing all directions illuminated by the head ornaments of Giriraj Kishori Parvati. Whose constant grace resolves even the most difficult problems, may my mind find joy in such a Digambara element.

Mano Vinodamadbhutam Bibhartu Bhootabhartari॥4॥

Meaning: The radiance of the gems of the hoods of the snakes residing in his matted hair is applying vermillion on the faces of the women in the form of the directions. May my mind be filled with immense joy in that Bhootnath whose complexion has become soft due to wearing clothes made of the moving skin of a mad elephant.

Bhujangaraajamaalya Nibaddhajaatajootakah
Shriyai Chiray Jaayataam Chakorabandhusekharah॥5॥

Meaning: Whose feet are dusted with the flowers sitting on his head due to the obeisance of gods like Indra etc. May that Lord Chandrashekhar with matted hair tied with a garland of King of Snakes be the one to grant me everlasting wealth.

Nipeetapanchasaayakam Namannilimpanaayakam।
Sudhaamayookhalekhaya Virajamaanashhekaram
Mahaakapali Sampade Shiro Jatalamastu Nah॥6॥

Meaning: He who destroyed Kaamdev with the brilliance of the fire lit on the forehead altar, whom Indra salutes. May that complex head with a raised large forehead and a crown adorned with the phases of Sudhakar (Moon) be the one to bestow wealth on us.

Dharadharendra-nandini Kuchaagrachitrapatraka
Prakalpanaikashilpini Trilochane Ratirmama॥7॥

Meaning: Who had burnt Kaamdev in the fierce fire burning on his fierce forehead. May my mind be focused on Lord Trilochan, the only artisan of creating Patrabhanga on the breasts of Giriraj Kishori.

Nilimpanirjharidharastanotu Krittisindhurah
Kalaanidhaanabandhurah Shriyam Jagaddhurandharah॥8॥

Meaning: Whose throat is marked with blackness like the darkness spreading at midnight of Amavasya surrounded by new clouds. May Lord Gangadhar, who is wrapped in elephant skin and who bears the burden of the world and whose radiance is like that of the moon, expand my wealth.

Smarachchhidam Purachchhidam Bhavachchhidam Makhachchhidam
Gajachchhidaandhakachchhidam Tamantakachchhidam Bhaje॥9॥

Meaning: I worship him whose throat imitates the dark radiance of a cluster of blooming blue lotuses and who also kills Kamadeva, Tripura, Bhava (world), Dakshayagya, elephant, Andhakasur and Yamraj.

Smarantakam Purantakam Bhavantakam Makhantakam
Gajantakaandhakantakam Tamantakantakam Bhaje॥10॥

Meaning: I worship the bee who drinks the increasing sweetness from the nectar source of Kadamba buds, the art form of Goddess Parvati, who is devoid of pride, and who also destroys Kamadeva, Tripura, Bhava, Dakshayagya, elephant, Andhakasur and Yamraj.

Dhvanikramapravartitaprachandataandavah Shivah॥11॥

Meaning: Hail to that Lord Shankar whose forehead is blazing with the fierce fire spreading gradually due to the hissing of snakes moving around his head with great speed. Whose fierce Tandava is going on with the deep auspicious sound of the slow playing Mridang.

Rgarishtharatnaloṣṭhayoh Suhridvipakshapakshayoh।
Trinaaravindachakshushoh Prajaamahimahendrayoh
Samapravrittikah Kadaa Sadaashivam Bhajaamyaham॥12॥

Meaning: When will I worship Sadashiv with equal respect for stones and beautiful beds, snakes and pearl necklaces, precious gems and lumps of mud, friends and enemies, a straw or a girl with eyes like the lotus, subjects and kings of the earth?

Kadaa Nilimpanirjharinikunjakotare Vasan
Vimuktadurmatisadaa Shirahsthamanjalin Vahan।
Vilolalolalochano Lalaamabhaalalagnakah
Shiveti Mantramuchcharan Kadaa Sukhee Bhavaamyaham॥13॥

Meaning: When will I be happy, concentrating my mind on the beautiful forehead of Lord Chandrashekhar, abandoning my evil thoughts, living in the forest near the banks of river Ganga, with folded hands on my head and reciting the Shiva mantra with teary eyes?

Imam Hi Nityamevamuktamuttamottamam Stavam
Pathan Smaran Bruvannaro Vishuddhimeṭi Santatam।
Hare Gurau Subhaktimaashu Yaati Naanyathaa Gatim
Vimohanam Hi Dehinaam Sushankarasya Chintanam॥14॥

Meaning: The person who regularly recites, remembers and narrates this Uttam Stotra remains pure and soon attains devotion to Lord Shiva. He does not go in the opposite direction because meditation on Shiva destroys the attachment.

Poojaavasaanasamaye Dashavaktragitam
Yah Shambhupoojanaparam Pathati Pradoshe।
Tasya Sthiraam Rathagajendraturangayuktaam
Lakshmeem Sadaiva Sumukheem Pradaati Shambhuh॥15॥

Meaning: After the completion of the evening prayers, whoever recites this Shiv Tandava Stotra sung by Ravana, Lord Shankar provides that person with everlasting wealth consisting of chariots, elephants, horses.

|| Shiv Tandava Stotra Ends ||