Shri Ganesh Chalisa image

 Shri Ganesh Chalisa

|| Doha ||

Jai Ganpati Sadgun Sada, Kavi Var Badan Kripal
Vighna Haran Mangal Karan, Jai Jai Girijalaal

Meaning: O Lord Shri Ganesh, the abode of virtues, hail you, poets also call you kind! You take away all troubles and do good to everyone, hail Shri Ganesh ji Maharaj, the beloved of mother Parvati !

|| Chaupai ||

Jai Jai Jai Ganpati Ganraaju, Mangal Bharan Karan Shubh Kaaju !
Jai Gajbadan Sadan Sukhdaata, Vishwa Vinaayak Buddhi Vidhaata !
Vakratund Shuchi Shund Suhavan, Tilak Tripund Bhaal Man Bhavan !
Rajat Mani Muktaan Ur Maala, Swarn Mukut Shir Nayan Vishala !

Meaning: Oh Lord of Gods, King of Gods, Lord Shri Ganesh Ji who makes every task auspicious and beneficial, victory to you, victory to you, victory to you! Oh Lord Ganesha with a body bigger than an elephant and who provides happiness to every home, victory to you. Shri Ganesh, you are the Vinayak of the entire world, that is, the special leader, you are the creator of wisdom, the giver of wisdom! Your nose is bent like an elephant's trunk and is beautiful and sacred. The three lines in the form of a tilak on your forehead are also pleasing to the mind, that is, you are attractive! There is a garland of gems and pearls on your chest, a golden crown on your head and your eyes are also big !

Pustak Paani Kuthaar Trishulam, Modak Bhog Sugandhit Phoolam !
Sundar Peetambar Tan Sajit, Charan Paaduka Muni Man Rajit !

Dhani Shivsuvan Shadanan Bhrata, Gauri Lalana Vishwavikhyata !
Riddhi Siddhi Tav Chhavar Sudhaare, Mooshak Vahan Sohat Dhaare !

Meaning: You have a book, axe and trident in your hands. Modaks are offered to you and fragrant flowers are offered to you! Beautiful yellow clothes are adorned on your body. Your footprints are so attractive that even sages and saints become happy on seeing them! O son of Lord Shiva and brother of Shadanan i.e. Kartikeya, you are blessed. Son of Mother Parvati, your fame is spread all over the world! Riddhi-Siddhi remain in your service and your vehicle mouse is always standing at your door !

Kahau Janam Shubh Katha Tumhari, Ati Shuchi Paavan Mangalkaari !
Ek Samay Giriraj Kumari, Putra Hetu Tap Kiyaan Bhaari !

Bhayo Yajna Jab Poorn Anupa, Tab Pahunchyo Tum Dhar Dhwaj Rupa !
Atithi Jaani Kai Gauri Sukhaari, Bahuvadhi Seva Kari Tumhari !

Meaning: O Lord, telling and listening to your birth story is very auspicious and auspicious! Once Giriraj Kumari i.e. Mother Parvati did a lot of penance to get a son! When her penance and yagya were completed successfully, you appeared there in the form of a Brahmin! Considering you as a guest, Mother Parvati served you in many ways !

Ati Prasann Hai Tum Var Deenha, Maatu Putra Hit Jo Tap Kiinha !
Milahi Putra Tuhi Buddhi Vishaala, Bina Garbh Dharan Yahi Kaala !

Gananayak Gun Gyan Nidhaana, Poojit Pratham Roop Bhagwaana !
As Kahi Antar Dhaan Roop Hvai, Palna Par Baalak Swarup Hvai !

Meaning: Being pleased with this, you blessed Maa Parvati. You said that O Maa, as a result of the penance you have done to get a son, you will get a very intelligent child and without conceiving, you will get a son at the same time. He will be called the leader of all the gods, who will be the determiner of qualities and knowledge and the whole world will worship him as the first form of God. Saying this, you disappeared and appeared in the form of a child in the cradle.!

Shri Ganesh chalisa image

Bani Shishu rudan jabahin tum thana Lakhi mukh sukh nahi Gauri samaana !
Sakal magan, sukh mangal gaavahin Nabha te suran, suman varshaavahin !
Shambhu, Uma, bahu daan lutaavahin,Sur munijan, sut dekhan aavahin !
Lakhi ati aanand mangal saaja,Dekhan bhi aaye Shani Raja !

Meaning: As soon as Goddess Parvati picked you up, you started crying. Goddess Parvati kept looking at you carefully. Your face was very beautiful. Mother Parvati could not find your face in hers. Everyone started celebrating and started singing and dancing. Even the Gods started showering flowers from the sky. Lord Shankar and Mother Uma started giving donations. Gods, sages, munis all started coming to see you. Everyone was very happy to see you. Even Lord Shanidev came to see you.!

Nij avgun guni Shani man maahi,Balak, dekhna chahat naahi !
Girija kachu man bhed badhaya,Utsav mor na Shani tuhi bhaya !
Kahan lage Shani, man sakuchai,Ka karahu, shishu mohi dikhai !
Nahin vishwaas Uma ur bhayau,Shani son balak dekhan kahau !

Meaning: But he was nervous in his heart and did not want to see the child! Seeing Shani Dev escaping like this, Mother Parvati got angry and said to Shani that you are not happy to see the arrival of a child in our house and to see this festival being celebrated! On this Lord Shani said that my heart is hesitating, what will you do by showing me the child? Something bad will happen! But Mother Parvati did not believe this and she asked Shani to see the child !

Padtahin, Shani drig kon prakasha,Bolak sir udi gayo akasha !
Girija giri vikal hai dharani,So dukh dasha gayo nahin varani !
Haahakaar machyo Kailasha,Shani kinh lakhin sut ko nasha !
Turat Garuda chadhi Vishnu sidhaayo,Kaati chakra so gaj shir laayo !

Meaning: As soon as Shani saw the child, the child's head flew into the sky! Seeing her child headless, Mother Parvati became very sad and fell unconscious, the condition of Mother Parvati at that time due to grief cannot even be described! After this, there was an uproar on the entire Kailash mountain that Shani destroyed Shiva-Parvati's son after seeing him! At the same time, Lord Vishnu reached there riding on Garuda and brought the head of the elephant by cutting it with his Sudarshan Chakra !

Balak ke dhar upar dhaaryo,Pran mantra padhi Shankar daaryo !
Naam Ganesh Shambhu tab keenhe,Pratham pujya buddhi nidhi, van deenhe !
Buddh pariksha jab Shiv keenha,Prithvi kar pradakshina leenha !
Chale shadanan, bhrami bhulaai,Rache bait tum buddhi upaai !

Meaning: He put this head on the child’s body. After that Lord Shankar recited mantras and breathed life into it. At the same time Lord Shankar named you Ganesh and blessed you that you will be worshipped first in the world. Other gods also blessed you with many boons including the treasure of wisdom. When Lord Shankar tested your intelligence and Kartikeya, he asked you to go around the whole earth. As soon as he was ordered, Kartikeya, without thinking, set out to go around the whole earth in confusion, but you used your intelligence and found a solution.!

Charan matupitu ke dhar leenha,Tinake saat pradakshin keenha !
Dhaani Ganesh kahi Shivaye hue harshayo,Nabha te suran suman bahu barsayo !
Tumhari mahima buddhi badaai,Shesh sahasmukh sake na gaai !
Main matiheen maleen dukhaari,Karahun kaun vidhi vinay tumhari !

Meaning: You touched the feet of your parents and circled around them seven times! Seeing your wisdom and devotion, Lord Shiva was very happy and the gods showered flowers from the sky! O Lord Shri Ganesha, your wisdom and glory cannot be praised even by thousands of mouths! O Lord, I am a fool, a sinner, a miserable person, how can I pray to you !

Bhajat Ramasundar Prabhu daasaa,Jag prayag, Kakara darvasaa !
Ab Prabhu daya deen par kije,Apni bhakti shakti kuchh deejai !

Meaning: O Lord, your servant Ramsundar remembers you only. His world is Kakra village of Prayag where sages like Durvasa lived! O Lord, have mercy on the poor and the suffering and bless them with your strength and devotion !

 || Doha ||

Shri Ganesh yah Chalisa,Paath karen dhar dhyaan !
Nit nav mangal griha basai,Lahe jagat sanmaan !!
Sambandh apne sahastra dash,Rishi Panchami Dinesh !
Puran Chalisa bhayo, Mangal Moorti Ganesh !!

Meaning: Those who recite this Chalisa of Shri Ganesha with attention, there is happiness and peace in their house every day, they also get respect in the world i.e. in their society! Even while maintaining Sahastra i.e. thousands of relationships, this Chalisa of Lord Shri Ganesha was completed on the day of Rishi Panchami !