Shri Navagraha Stotra image

Shri Navagraha Stotra

॥ Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah॥

Japakusum sankasham kashyapeyam mahadyutim,
Tamorim sarvapapaghnam pranatosmi divakaram.1॥ 

Meaning: I bow to the Sun God, whose radiance is like that of the Japa flower, who is born of Kashyapa, the enemy of darkness, and who destroys all sins.

Dadhishankha tusharabham ksheerodarnava sambhavam,
Namami shashinam somam shambhormukuta bhushanam.॥2

Meaning:  I bow to the Moon God, born from the ocean of milk, whose brilliance is like that of yogurt or snow, and who adorns the crest of Lord Shiva.

Dharanigarbha sambhutam vidyutkanti samaprabham,
Kumaram shaktihastam tam mangalam pranamamyaham.॥3

Meaning:  I bow to Mangala, born from the womb of the Earth, whose radiance is like that of lightning, and who holds power in his hands.

Priyangu kalikashyamam rupenapratimam budham,
Saumyam saumyagunopetam tam budham pranamamyaham.4॥

Meaning:  I bow to Budha, whose complexion is dark like the bud of the Priyangu flower, whose form is incomparable, and who is endowed with gentle qualities.

Devanancha rishinancha gurum kanchana sannibham,
Buddhibhutam trilokesham tam namami brihaspatim.5॥

Meaning:  I bow to Brihaspati, the guru of gods and sages, whose aura is like gold, and who is the repository of unbroken intelligence and the lord of the three worlds.

Himakunda mrinalabham daityanam paramam gurum,
Sarvashastra pravaktaram bhargavam pranamamyaham.6॥

Meaning:  I bow to Shukra, whose brilliance is like that of snow, kunda flowers, or mica, who is the supreme teacher of all scriptures.

Neelanjana samabhasam raviputram yamagrajam,
Chayamartanda sambhutam tam namami shanaishcharam.7॥

Meaning:  I bow to Shani, whose splendor is like that of black antimony, who is the son of the Sun God, elder brother of Yama, and born from the shade of the Sun.

Ardha kayam mahaviryam chandraditya vimardanam,
Simhikagarbha sambhutam tam rahum pranamamyaham.8॥

Meaning: I bow to Rahu, whose body is only half, who possesses great strength, and who overpowers even the Sun and the Moon, born from the womb of Simhika.

Palasha pushpa sankasham tarakagraha mastakam,
Raudram raudratmakam ghora tam ketum pranamamyaham.9॥

Meaning: I bow to Ketu, whose appearance is like that of the Palasha flower, who is the chief among all planets and causes malefic influences, and who is fierce and dreadful in appearance.

Iti shri vyasa mukhodgitam yah pathet susamahitah,
Diva va yadi va ratrau vigna shantir bhavishyati.10॥

Meaning: Thus, one who recites this hymn composed by Vyasa, with full concentration, whether during the day or night, all obstacles and disturbances will be pacified.

Naranari nrpanamcha bhavet duhswapna nashanam,
Aishwaryam atulam tesham arogyam pushtivardhanam.11॥

Meaning: For men and women, as well as kings, it dispels bad dreams, bestows unparalleled wealth, and enhances health and prosperity.

Grahanakshatrajah pidah taskaragni samudbhavah,
Ta sarvah prashamam yanti vyasobhrute na samshayah.12॥

Meaning:  Vyasa declares without doubt that all afflictions caused by planets, stars, thieves, and fire are alleviated by the recitation of this hymn.

॥ Iti Shri Vyas virachitam Adityadi Navagraha Stotram sampurnam ॥