Shri Navagraha Stotra image

Shri Navagraha Stotra

Japakusuma Sankasham Kashyapeyam Mahadyutim,
Tamorim Sarvapapaghnam Pranato'smi Divakaram.

Meaning: I bow to the Sun God, who is as radiant as the hibiscus flower, who was born from Kashyapa, who is the enemy of darkness, and who destroys all sins.

Dadhishankhatusharabham Kshirodarnava Sambhavam,
Namami Shashinam Somam Shambhormukuta Bhushanam.

Meaning: I bow to the Moon God, who is as luminous as curd, conch, or snow, who emerged from the ocean of milk, and who adorns Shiva’s crest.

Dharanigarbha Sambhutam Vidyutkanti Samaprabham,
Kumaram Shaktihastam Tam Mangalam Pranamamyaham.

Meaning:I bow to the Mars God, who was born from the womb of the earth, who shines like a mass of lightning, and who holds a spear in his hand.

Priyangu Kalikashyama Rupenapratimam Budham,
Saumyam Saumyagunopetam Tam Budham Pranamamyaham.

Meaning: I bow to the Mercury God, who is as dark as the bud of the Priyangu plant, who has no equal in beauty, and who is endowed with gentle qualities.

Devananch Rishinanch Gurum Kanchana Sannibham,
Buddhibhutam Trilokesham Tam Namami Brihaspatim.

Meaning:I bow to the Jupiter God, who is the guru of the gods and sages, who is as radiant as gold, who embodies wisdom, and who is the lord of the three worlds.

Himakunda Mrinalabham Daityanam Paramam Gurum,
Sarvashastra Pravaktaram Bhargavam Pranamamyaham.

Meaning: I bow to the Venus God, who is as radiant as snow, jasmine, or the moon, who is the supreme guru of demons, and who is the foremost speaker of all scriptures.

Nilanjana Samabhasam Raviputram Yamagrajam,
Chhayamartanda Sambhutam Tam Namami Shanaishcharam.

Meaning: I bow to the Saturn God, who is as radiant as blue collyrium, who is the son of the Sun God and the elder brother of Yama, who was born from the shadow of the Sun.

Ardhakayam Mahaveeryam Chandraditya Vimardanam,
Simhika Garbha Sambhutam Tam Rahum Pranamamyaham.

Meaning: I bow to the Rahu God, who has a half-body, who is immensely powerful, who eclipses the Sun and Moon, and who was born from the womb of Simhika.

Palasha Pushpa Sankasham Tarakagraha Mastakam,
Raudram Raudratmakam Ghoram Tam Ketum Pranamamyaham.

Meaning: I bow to the Ketu God, who is as red as the Palasha flower, who is the head of the stars and planets, who is fierce and embodies fierceness.

Iti Shri Vyasa Mukhodgitam Yah Pathet Susamahitah,
Diva Va Yadi Va Ratrau Vighna Shantir Bhavishyati.

Meaning: One who recites this hymn, spoken by the mouth of Shri Vyasa, whether by day or by night, will be relieved of all obstacles and disturbances.

Naranari Nripananch Bhavet Duhsvapna Nashanam,
Aishwaryamatulam Tesham Arogyam Pushtivardhanam.

Meaning: Men, women, and kings will have their bad dreams destroyed, and they will attain unparalleled wealth, health, and prosperity.

Grahakshatrajah Pidah Taskaragni Samudbhavah,
Ta Sarvah Prashamam Yanti Vyasobruvate Na Sanshayah.

Meaning: Vyasji says that all afflictions caused by planets, stars, thieves, and fire will be pacified. There is no doubt about this