Shri Shani Dev Chalisa image

Shri Shani Dev Chalisa

।। Doha ।।

Jai Ganesh Girija Suvan, Mangal Karan Kripal
Deenan Ke Dukh Door Kari, Kije Nath Nihaal
Jai Jai Shri Shanidev Prabhu, Sunahu Vinay Maharaj
Karahu Kripa He Ravi Tanay, Raakhu Jan Ki Laaj

Meaning: O Girijasootha Ganesh! Victory to you! You are auspicious and kind. O Nath! Remove the sorrows of the days and give them happiness.
O Lord Shanidev! Victory to you! O Suryasootha! Please listen to my request and protect the modesty of the people.

।। Chaupai ।।

Jayati Jayati Shanidev Dayala
Karat Sada Bhaktan Pratipala

Meaning: Oh Lord Shanidev, the ocean of mercy! Victory to you! Victory to you! You always nurture your devotees.

Chaari Bhuja, Tanu Shyam Viraaje
Maathe Ratan Mukut Chhabi Chhaaje

Meaning: You have four arms, dark complexion adorns your body and a gem-studded crown adorns your head.

Param Vishaal Manohar Bhaala
Tedhi Drishti Bhrukuti Vikaraala

Meaning: Your forehead is huge and captivating. Your gaze is crooked and your eyebrows are fierce.

Kundal Shravan ChamaCham Chamke
Hiya Maal Mukhtan Mani Damke

Meaning: Earrings are shining in your ears and a garland of pearls and gems is looking beautiful on your chest.

Kar Mein Gada Trishool Kuthaara
Pal Bich Karai Arhih Sankaara

Meaning: Mace, trident and axe look good in your hands. You destroy your enemies in a moment.

Pingal, Krishno, Chhaaya Nandan
Yam, Konsth, Raudra, Dukh Bhanjan

Meaning: You are Pingal, Krishna, Chhaya Nandana, Yama, Konastha and Raudra, the destroyer of sorrows.

Sauri, Mand, Shani, Dash Namaa
Bhaanu Putra Poojahin Sab Kaamaa

Meaning: Sauri, Mand, Shani and Suryaputra are your ten names. Chanting these names fulfills all your wishes.

Jaa Par Prabhu Prasann Hvai Jaahee
Rankahun Raav Karai Kshan Mahee

Meaning: O Lord! You make that poor person a king in the blink of an eye if you are pleased with him.

Parvatahu Trina Hoi Nihaarat
Trinahu Ko Parvata Kari Daarat

Meaning: As soon as you look at it, the mountain becomes like a straw and if you want, you can turn even a straw into a mountain.

Raaj Milat Ban Ramahin Deenhyo
Kaikeihun Ki Mati Hari Leenhyo

Meaning: When Shri Ram's coronation was about to take place, you misled Kaikeyi and sent Lord Ram to the forest.

Banahun Mein Mrig Kapat Dikhaayi
Maatu Janaki Gai Churaayi

Meaning: You had created the Maya-Mriga (golden deer) in the forest which became the reason for the kidnapping of Mother Sita.

Lakhanahin Shakti Vikal Karidaara
Machiga Dal Mein Haahaakaara

Meaning: When you distressed Lakshman by attacking him with your Shakti, a wave of worry spread through Shri Ram's army.

Raavan Ki Gati-Mati Bauraayi
Ramachandra Son Bair Badhaayi

Meaning: You had frustrated the intellect of a great scholar like Ravana, due to which he incurred enmity with Lord Rama.

Diyo Keet Kari Kanchan Lanka
Baji Bajrang Bir Ki Danka

Meaning: You destroyed the golden Lanka by mixing it with soil and increased the glory of Hanuman ji.

Nrip Vikram Par Tuhi Pagu Dhaara
Chitra Mayur Nigali Gai Haara

Meaning: When your condition came upon King Vikramaditya, the picture of the peacock hanging on the wall swallowed the queen’s necklace.

Haar Naulakha Lagyo Chori
Haath Pair Darvayo Tori

Meaning: Because Vikramaditya was accused of stealing that nine-pearl necklace, he had to get his hands and legs broken.

Bhaari Dasha Nikrisht Dikhaayo
Telihin Ghar Kolhu Chalvaayo

Meaning: Vikramaditya's condition became so bad that he had to operate the oil press in a oilman's house.

Vinay Raag Deepak Mah Kinhayon
Tab Prasann Prabhu Hvai Sukh Deenhyon

Meaning: When he prayed to you in Raga Deepak, you became pleased and gave him happiness again.

Harishchandra Nrip Naari Bikaani
Aapahoon Bhare Dom Ghar Paani

Meaning: When your evil eye fell on King Harishchandra, he had to sell his wife and fetch water in Dom’s house.

Shri Shani Chalisa image

Taise Nal Par Dasha Siraani
Bhoongi-Meen Kood Gai Paani

Meaning: When your crooked eye fell on King Nal, even the roasted fish jumped into the water.

Shri Shankarahin Gahyo Jab Jaai
Paarvati Ko Sati Karaai

Meaning: When your evil eye fell on Lord Shiva, his wife Parvati had to burn to ashes in the havan kund.

Tanik Vilokat Hi Kari Reesaa
Nabh Udi Gayo Gaurisut Seesaa

Meaning:   When you looked at Gauri's son Ganesh with a little anger, his head got cut off and flew into the sky.

Paandav Par Bhai Dasha Tumhaari
Bachi Draupadi Hoti Ughaari

Meaning: When your condition fell upon the sons of Pandu (Pandavas), their wife Draupadi was disrobed in the presence of everyone.

Kaurav Ke Bhi Gati Mati Maaryo
Yudh Mahaabharat Kari Daaryo

Meaning: You took away the wisdom of the Kauravas due to which they became irrational and fought the terrible war of Mahabharata.

Ravi Kaham Mukh Mah Dhar Tatkaala
Lekar Koodi Parayo Paatala

Meaning: In no time, you took the Sun God in your mouth and departed to the underworld.

Shesh Dev-Lakhi Vinati Laai
Ravi Ko Mukh Te Diyo Chhuraai

Meaning: When all the gods prayed to you, then you took out the Sun from your mouth.

Vahan Prabhu Ke Saat Sujanaa
Jag Diggaj Gardabh Mrig Swaana

Meaning: It is well known that you have seven types of vehicles – elephant, horse, deer, dog, donkey…

Jambuk Singh Aadi Nakh Dhaari
So Phal Jyotish Kahat Pukaari

Meaning:  jackal and lion. The results of all these vehicles are described differently by various astrologers.

Gaj Vahan Lakshmi Grih Aavain
Hay Te Sukh Sampatti Upjaaavain

Meaning: If elephant is the vehicle then Goddess Lakshmi comes in the house and if horse is the vehicle then happiness and wealth increases in the house.

Gardabh Haani Karai Bahu Kaajaa
Singh Siddhakar Raaj Samaajaa

Meaning: If the vehicle is a donkey then there is loss and all the work gets spoiled. Riding a lion brings success in the royal society.

Jambuk Buddhi Nasht Kar Daarai
Mrig De Kasth Praan Sanhaare

Meaning: If jackal is the vehicle then intelligence gets destroyed and if deer is the vehicle then it causes pain and takes away life.

Jab Aavahin Prabhu Swaan Savaari
Chori Aadi Hoye Dar Bhaari

Meaning: When the Lord comes with a dog as his vehicle, then thefts etc. take place and fear also remains.

Taisahi Chaari Charan Yah Naamaa
Swarn Lauh Chaandi Aru Taamaa

Meaning: Similarly, the feet of the child are seen. They are of 4 types (gold, silver, iron and copper).

Lauh Charan Par Jab Prabhu Aavain
Dhan Jan Sampatti Nasht Karaavain

Meaning: When the Lord comes on the iron feet, then everything including wealth, people and property etc. gets destroyed.

Samata Taamra Rajat Shubhakaari
Swarn Sarv Sukh Mangal Bhaari

Meaning: Feet made of copper and silver are equally auspicious. But feet made of gold are completely auspicious as they provide all comforts.

Jo Yah Shani Charitr Nit Gaavain
Kabahun Na Dasha Nikrisht Sataavain

Meaning: Whoever   regularly recites this Shani Charita is never troubled by bad circumstances.

Adbhut Naath Dikhaavain Leela
Karain Shatru Ke Nash Bali Dheela

Meaning: The Lord displays astonishing miracles and destroys the power of the enemies.

Jo Pandit Suyogya Bulavaai
Vidhivat Shani Grah Shaanti Karaai

Meaning: Whoever calls a capable Pandit and gets the Shani Graha pacified…

Peepal Jal Shani Divas Chadhaavat
Deep Daan Dai Bahu Sukh Paavat

Meaning: The one who offers water to the Peepal tree and lights a lamp on Saturday, gets many kinds of happiness.

Kahat Ram Sundar Prabhu Daasaa
Shani Sumirat Sukh Hot Prakaashaa

Meaning: Lord's servant Ram Sundarji says that by meditating on Shanidev, the light of happiness spreads.

Paath Shanishchar Dev Ko, Kee Hon ‘Bhakt’ Taiyaar
Karat Paath Chaalis Din, Ho Bhavsaagar Paar

Meaning: By reciting this Shani Dev Chalisa prepared by the devotee for forty days, one can cross the Bhavasara (ocean of life).