Shukravar Pooja image

Shukravar Pooja

Each day of the week is considered to be very important from a religious point of view. Each day is dedicated to some deity or the other. Worshiping Goddess Lakshmi and Santoshi Mata on Friday is considered auspicious. If someone is struggling with financial crisis, then he should keep a fast on Friday and worship Goddess Lakshmi with proper rituals. According to religious beliefs, Goddess Lakshmi is considered to be the goddess of wealth. When she is pleased with her devotee, she fills his life with wealth and prosperity. Apart from this, worshipping Lord Vishnu on Friday also pleases Goddess Lakshmi because she is considered to be the wife of Lord Vishnu.

Do these measures on Friday

Take some measures to please Goddess Lakshmi on Friday. They can help bring happiness and prosperity in your life.

  •  Friday is considered a special day for the worship of Goddess Lakshmi. If you have kept a fast on Friday, then wake up early in the morning and after taking a bath and meditating, wear cream-coloured clothes. After this, worship Shriyantra. It is believed that reciting Shri Sukta on this day is also very auspicious.
  •  To please Goddess Lakshmi, visit a temple on Friday and offer her your favourite things like lotus, cowrie shells, shells, red or pink clothes. This will eliminate financial problems.
  •  It is said that where there is purity, Goddess Lakshmi resides there. Goddess Lakshmi keeps a distance from dirty places. In such a situation, always keep your house and workplace clean. Be sure to clean your work area, especially on Fridays. This will bring financial benefits.
  • If you want the goddess of wealth Maa Lakshmi to reside permanently in your house, then make a place of worship in the northeast corner and sit facing east and worship Maa Lakshmi. There should not be a kitchen or toilet near the place of worship.
  • To please Goddess Lakshmi, one should offer rock sugar and kheer to Goddess Lakshmi on Fridays. To do this, chant Goddess Lakshmi's mantras using a crystal or lotus rosary. This is considered quite effective. If this remedy is done, then the Goddess will bless you soon.

What should you do on Fridays?

  • Put a picture of money falling from the hands of Goddess Lakshmi in the house. If money does not stay in your hands and you spend too much, then put a picture of Goddess Lakshmi in which she is standing and money is falling from her hand.
  • Light a lamp in front of your mother's photo. Always light an oil lamp for Goddess Lakshmi.
  • Offer perfume to Goddess Lakshmi and use the same perfume regularly.
  • If you spend a lot of money unnecessarily, offer a one rupee coin to Goddess Maa every day, keep it with you and then give it to a rich woman at the end of the month to bring good luck to yourself.
  • People with Aries, Leo and Sagittarius zodiac signs should worship Varalakshmi form.

What should you not do on Fridays?

If you keep a fast for Goddess Lakshmi on Friday, then never offend anyone on that day and if you worship Mahalakshmi, then never offend anyone. Remember that. Do not insult women, girls and eunuchs. According to religious beliefs, insulting a woman makes Goddess Lakshmi angry, which can take back her blessings. And if you continue on Fridays, then abstain from meat and alcohol. This is because this will make Goddess Lakshmi angry and poverty will come into the house.