Utpanna Ekadashi image

Utpanna Ekadashi

Utpanna Ekadashi fast is observed on the Ekadashi day of Krishna Paksha of Margashirsha month. On this day Lord Vishnu and Goddess Ekadashi are worshipped. This time Utpanna Ekadashi is for two days. According to legend, Goddess Ekadashi was born on this day, so it is known as Utpanna Ekadashi. The person who observes the fast of Utpanna Ekadashi, his sins are washed away and he becomes a virtuous soul. He receives the blessings of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Ekadashi.

Significance of Utpanna Ekadashi

According to religious belief, Ekadashi was born on the 11th day of Krishna Paksha of Margashirsha month, hence this Ekadashi is called Utpanna Ekadashi. Ekadashi is the manifested power of Lord Vishnu, the power that killed the demons whom even God could not defeat. On this day, the Maya era appeared in the form of a girl named Ekadashi who played the role of Lord Vishnu. Utpanna Ekadashi is dedicated to Lord Vishnu who fasts on this auspicious day. This removes all sins and apart from this, his sorrows, lack and poverty also go away by the grace of Shri Hari. It is a religious belief that those who observe the fast of Utpanna Ekadashi go directly to Vaikuntha Dham.

Story of Utpanna Ekadashi Vrat

It is believed that Shri Krishna himself narrated the story of the birth of Ekadashi Mata to Yudhishthira. When Dharmaraj Yudhishthira asked Lord Krishna about the origin of the date of Punyamaya Ekadashi, he said that in Satyayuga, when a fierce demon named Devraj Mura defeated Indra and established his rule over heaven, all the gods approached Mahadev Ji. Mahadev Ji went to Kshirsagar along with the gods. When Devraj Indra saw Lord Vishnu sleeping in yoga on the bed of Sheshnag, he praised him. On the request of the gods, Shri Hari attacked this tyrannical demon. After killing hundreds of demons, Narayan went to Badarikashram. There he slept in the cave of Singhavati, which was twelve yojanas long. As soon as the demon Mura entered the cave with the intention of killing Lord Vishnu, a very beautiful girl endowed with divine weapons was born from the body of Shri Hari. This girl destroyed the demon Mura with her roar. When Narayana asked about the awakening, the girl told him that she had killed the demoness Atatai. This pleased Lord Vishnu and he granted the desired boon to the girl and named her Ekadashi and declared it as his favourite date. Param Punya Prada Ekadashi was very happy to receive the desired blessings from Sri Harika.

The person who observes Ekadashi fast throughout his life goes to Vaikuntha after death. There is no other fast that destroys sins like Ekadashi. Just by listening to Ekadashi Mahatmya, a person gets the merits of thousands of gods. By observing Ekadashi fast and staying awake at night, the devotee becomes a part of Shri Hari's grace. If you cannot observe fast, then at least you should abstain from eating food on Ekadashi. Eating food on Ekadashi destroys merits and leads to big mistakes. Such people can also eat fruits together on Ekadashi. Ekadashi fast is considered mandatory for all living beings. Since Ekadashi falls in the Krishna Paksha of Margashirsha month, it is appropriate to start the ritual of this fast from this date.

Method of Worship of Utpanna Ekadashi

  • On the day of Utpanna Ekadashi, people wake up in the morning, take a bath with fresh water and take a vow to fast.
  • Lord Vishnu is then worshipped with 16 items such as incense, lamps, naivedya and diyas which are offered at night.
  • On this Ekadashi, we sing hymns and devotional songs in praise of Lord Vishnu at night.
  • In this fast, only fruits should be offered to Lord Vishnu.
  • At the end of the fast, ask forgiveness from Lord Vishnu for any mistake or sin committed unknowingly.
  • Next day on Dwadashi Tithi, one should again worship Lord Shri Krishna and feed the Brahmins.
  • On the morning of Devadashi Tithi, one feeds Brahmins and the poor, gives appropriate charity in the form of Dakshina and breaks the fast.

Do not make these mistakes on the day of Utpanna Ekadashi

  • On the day of Utpanna Ekadashi one should stay away from tamasic food and behavior.
  • On the day of Utpanna Ekadashi, offer water mixed with turmeric only. Do not use rolls or milk in the offering.
  • If you are unwell then don't fast, just follow the instructions.
  • Offer sweets on the day of Utpanna Ekadashi, do not offer fruits on this day.