Ahoi Ashtami Vrat Katha image

Ahoi Ashtami Vrat Katha

Once upon a time, a moneylender lived in a city. He had seven sons, daughters-in-law and a daughter. A few days before Diwali, his daughter went with her sisters-in-law to collect clean soil from the forest for plastering the house. While collecting soil in the forest, a child of a moneylender died due to a hoe. Saddened by this incident, the mother of the moneylender cursed the moneylender's daughter to never become a mother. Due to the effect of that curse, the womb of the moneylender's daughter got tied. The moneylender's daughter became sad due to this curse and she told her sisters-in-law that any one of them should tie her womb. After listening to her sister-in-law, the youngest sister-in-law agreed. Due to the ill effects of that curse, her children lived only for seven days. Whenever she gave birth to a child, it died within seven days. Troubled, she met a Pandit and asked for a solution.

When the Pandit advised him to serve the Surahi cow. Following the Pandit's advice, he started serving the Surahi cow. Pleased with his service, the cow takes him to Syahu's mother one day. On the way, a snake is about to kill the baby of the eagle bird, but the moneylender's younger daughter-in-law kills the snake and gives life to the baby of the eagle bird. By then the mother of the eagle bird arrives. After listening to the entire incident, she is impressed by him and takes him to Syahu's mother.

When Syahu's mother hears about the charity and service of the moneylender's younger daughter-in-law, she is pleased. Then she blesses her to be the mother of seven children . Due to the blessings, the moneylender ‘s younger daughter-in-law has seven sons, due to which she has seven daughters-in-law. Her family is large and full. She lives a happy life.