Indira Ekadashi इंदिरा एकादशी

Indira Ekadashi is a significant Hindu fast observed on the Ekadashi of the Shukla Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada. This Ekadashi holds special importance for those seeking to alleviate Pitra Dosha (ancestral curse) and for the peace of departed souls. In 2024, Indira Ekadashi will be observed on September 28, Saturday. Here’s a detailed overview of Indira Ekadashi:

Significance of Indira Ekadashi:

1. Freedom from Pitra Dosha:

Observing the fast on Indira Ekadashi is believed to free one from Pitra Dosha, which occurs when ancestors do not find peace after death. This fast is highly beneficial for those families where ancestral souls have not attained peace and are causing issues due to Pitra Dosha.

2. Peace for Departed Souls:

On this day, performing rituals like Tarpan (offering water to ancestors) and Pind Daan (offering food in balls made of rice and sesame) is said to bring peace to departed souls. It is believed that these offerings help ancestors attain moksha (liberation).

3. Religious and Spiritual Benefits:

The fast brings immense religious and spiritual benefits. It inspires devotees to perform their duties with faith, purity, and self-restraint. Observing this fast is a means of enhancing one’s spiritual journey and fulfilling religious obligations.

Indira Ekadashi Puja Vidhi:

1. Fasting and Sankalp (Vow):

On this day, devotees wake up early, bathe, and wear clean clothes. They take a vow to fast and worship Lord Vishnu throughout the day. They also vow to abstain from food and dedicate the day to the remembrance of ancestors.

2. Worship of Lord Vishnu:

The worship of Lord Vishnu is the central aspect of the day. Devotees offer flowers, incense, lamps, and food to Lord Vishnu after giving him a holy bath (abhishek). Reciting the Vishnu Sahasranama (a thousand names of Vishnu) is considered highly auspicious.

3. Ancestral Worship and Tarpan:

The soul's peace is achieved through Pind Daan and Tarpan. Pind Daan involves offering balls made of sesame, barley, and rice to ancestors, while Tarpan involves offering water mixed with sesame seeds to ancestors to bring them peace.

4. Donation and Feeding Brahmins:

After the fast, Brahmins are invited for a meal. They are offered food, clothes, grains, and money. Donations are also made to widows and the needy, which is believed to bring great merit (punya).

5. Evening Worship:

In the evening, devotees perform the Sandhya Puja (evening prayer) to Lord Vishnu by lighting lamps and offering aarti. They pray to Lord Vishnu for blessings and liberation for their ancestors.

Indira Ekadashi Vrat Katha (Legend of Indira Ekadashi):

According to Hindu mythology, the Indira Ekadashi Vrat Katha is mentioned in the Vishnu Purana, which emphasizes the power and importance of this fast during the Pitru Paksha (a time to honor ancestors). The story is as follows:

In ancient times, there was a king named Indrasen, who ruled the kingdom of Mahishmati. He was a devout follower of Lord Vishnu and ruled his kingdom following dharma. His subjects were happy, and he too was blessed with all the joys of life. However, the king was unaware that his departed ancestors were suffering in hell due to unfulfilled religious duties during their lifetime.

One day, Narada Muni, the celestial sage, was passing through the various realms, including the netherworld. During his journey, he arrived in Mahishmati and met King Indrasen. The king welcomed Narada Muni with great respect and asked him the reason for his visit.

Narada Muni replied, “O king, your kingdom is flourishing, and you are ruling justly. However, I have come to inform you about your ancestors. Your father, King Yudhishthir, is suffering in hell due to unresolved sins and is unable to attain salvation.”

Shocked, King Indrasen asked Narada Muni how he could help his father attain liberation and free him from suffering.

Narada Muni advised, “O king, to free your father from the sufferings of hell and help him attain moksha, you must observe the Indira Ekadashi Vrat. This fast has the power to liberate souls stuck in the cycle of birth and death.”

Narada Muni then explained the rituals of Indira Ekadashi to King Indrasen. The king followed these instructions with great devotion. After observing the fast, performing Pind Daan, and offering Tarpan, King Indrasen's father was liberated from hell and attained salvation. With his father now at peace in the heavenly realms, King Indrasen's kingdom continued to thrive under divine blessings.

Benefits of Indira Ekadashi Vrat:

1. Liberation for Ancestors:

Observing the Indira Ekadashi fast with devotion provides peace and moksha (liberation) to one’s ancestors. It frees their souls from the cycle of suffering and allows them to reach higher realms.

2. Removal of Pitra Dosha:

The fast helps in resolving Pitra Dosha, which can cause problems in a family. With this fast, ancestors are pleased, and the blessings they bestow bring harmony and prosperity to the family.

3. Spiritual Growth:

The observance of Indira Ekadashi not only benefits the ancestors but also purifies the mind and soul of the devotee, leading to spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Special Rules and Observances:

1. Fasting and Purity:

Devotees should observe a strict fast, avoiding grains, lentils, and tamasic foods (onion, garlic, etc.). Only satvik food, like fruits, milk, and water, should be consumed.

2. Offering Pure Food:

The food offerings and donations made during Indira Ekadashi should be pure and clean, ensuring the rituals are conducted with sincerity and devotion.

Purpose of Indira Ekadashi:

The primary purpose of observing Indira Ekadashi is to offer peace and liberation to departed ancestors. Performing rituals like Tarpan, Pind Daan, and fasting helps free them from any sufferings they may have endured due to unresolved deeds in life. The fast also ensures that the family receives the blessings of the ancestors, bringing peace, harmony, and prosperity.

Observing Indira Ekadashi with devotion and purity uplifts not only the souls of ancestors but also enhances the spiritual and religious life of the devotee.

Thank you for reading this article. We hope this article has provided you with complete information about Indira Ekadashi and that you will be able to offer respect and honor to your ancestors. Wishing your family and ancestors many blessings on this sacred day!