Maa Kalratri Vrat Katha image

Maa Kalratri Vrat Katha

According to the mythological story, when Raktbeej defeated all the gods and took away their kingdom, all the gods went to Mahadev ji with a complaint against the demons. Lord Shiv Shankar asked all the gods who came to him the reason for their visit. Then the gods described to Trilokinath the atrocities committed by Raktbeej.

Hearing this, Lord Shiv Shankar requested Mother Parvati that O Goddess, you should immediately kill that demon and give the gods back their royal pleasures. Raktbeej had a boon that every drop of his blood that falls on the ground will give birth to another Raktbeej. When Mother Durga was killing Raktbeej, the blood that fell on the ground from Raktbeej's body gave birth to hundreds of demons. Then Goddess Parvati did penance there. Kalratri was born due to the intensity of the mother's penance.

Then Mother Parvati requested Kalratri to devour those demons. When the mother killed him, she drank all his blood and did not let even a single drop of blood fall on the ground. That is why in this form of the mother, her tongue is red with blood. Thus, Mother Kalika started wearing a garland of heads around her neck while cutting the throats of demons on the battlefield.

In this way Raktbeej was killed in the war. This form of Maa Durga is called Kaalratri. Kaalratri is made up of two words, one word is Kaal which means “death” which is the destroyer of ignorance. Another word is Raatri, the mother is depicted as a symbol of the dark color of the night. The form of Kaalratri shows that a compassionate mother can also be extremely violent and fierce to protect her children when needed.